September is known as “safari season” in Zambia and has been a really busy month for us! Here are some of the highlights from around Nanzhila in the Southern Kafue over the last 2 weeks:
From the predators, the standout sighting was a family of very relaxed cheetah! Nanzhila has abundant prey species and ideal habitat so it’s always a treat seeing these cats. The local pride of lions were around the other night and caused a little consternation by chewing open the bailing twine on some of our thatching grass stacks! Also big news is that the wild dog pups in the area were spotted! Sadly no photos yet but we hope to show you soon!
Our bachelor herd of elephant is now up to 9 and they hang around the lodge almost every afternoon and evening which has made for great photos. We also had a wonderful sighting of the ellies up at Lake Itezhi-tezhi too.
As usual, the birdlife and the antelope species of the Southern Kafue have been magnificent and we have had some awesome sightings of roan, sable, kudu, black cheeked lovebirds, Pel’s Fishing Owl (!) and many more.
Obviously we have had a number of people visiting us recently and so it’s always nice to read some good feedback – the below are 2 brief accounts
“Wonderful food and service, the owners took great care of us and we saw all kinds of wildlife…We went for the wildlife but our lovely chalets and great lodge experience topped it off as a really nice experience!” WESLEY.
“Our game drive with David & Bob (two of the top guides we have experienced in Zambia) was filled with sightings of many antelope among which the Sable and Roan were magnificent…To really appreciate and experience what the Southern Kafue has to offer one needs to stay at least 3 nights. Thank you to all at Nanzhila for showing us that there are indeed animals and birds in the Southern Kafue.” EBEN & SANDIE