The last 2 weeks at Nanzhila Plains have produced outstanding game viewing with our valued guests discovering a variety of wildlife and bird species.

To visit and explore a remote wildlife wilderness is always special and when combined with unique sightings, it really does leave you with wonderful memories of the Southern Kafue.

Our run of great sightings began when 3 cheetah killed a young kudu just at the back of camp. The carcass was then visited by a leopard, hyeana, civet and a few more smaller creatures. However, most of these visitors were only caught on camera traps! But since then, we have seen lion (including a new large male), excellent cheetah sightings, wild dog, caracal, serval, civet and side striped jackal. This is in addition to some 12 different antelope species including sable and then elephant and hippo in the Ngoma Forest and up at the lake respectively.

What’s also important to remember is that these sightings are generally all from our single vehicle game drives and not from a fleet of jeeps all in radio contact with each other which shows you how productive things have been of late!

The bush is a stunning colour at the moment and our “Plains Road” for the dry season from Dundumwezi Gate is now open too.

Another piece of exciting news is the beginning of the Kenyan Airways Cape Town to Livingstone flight meaning connecting the Kafue and the Cape just got easier!

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