game viewing in the kafue

Activities include game drives, bush walks, visits to the waterholes and sundowners

Some destinations in Zambia offer outstanding wildlife, but little variety – not Nanzhila.

Most clients will see at least 12 different antelope species on an average 3 night stay at Nanzhila and stand a good chance of adding lion, elephant, cheetah and wild dog to their sightings. We have a good number of leopard around but sightings can be harder to secure whilst buffalo and hippo are usually seen further north near Lake Itezhi-tezhi.

At least 12 different species of antelope

As mentioned above, guests visiting Nanzhila Plains will have an excellent chance of sighting at least 12 different species within the area including sable, roan, defassa waterbuck, lichtenstein’s hartebeest, kudu, eland, wildebeest, common reedbuck, oribi, impala and duiker to name a few.

An oppportunity to see 4 out of the Big 5

Nanzhila Plains provides visitors the opportunity to sight 4 out of the Big 5 including lion, leopard, elephant and buffalo (more specifically around Lake Itezhi-Tezhi). The numbers of these species have been increasing steadily during our ten years at Nanzhila and remain a highlight sighting for any safari enthusiast. You also stand a chance of sighting other special wildlife species such as cheetah, wild dog, hyena, zebra and warthog.

Home to world class birding…

In addition to offering near-guaranteed sightings of the Black-cheeked love bird, Nanzhila Plains is home to world class birding. Wattled Crane, Racket-Tailed Rollers and Pel’s Fishing Owl. Our bird list is over 500 species strong and Nanzhila Plains is a must for keen birders.

Smaller species including honeybadgers, bushbabies, civet, genet and more..

At least once a week, Nanzhila Plains is visited by a family of honey badgers leaving chaos and delight in their wake. Nanzhila also offers superb sightings of serval, as well as special nocturnal creatures such as bushbabies, civet, genet and many more

Enquire about Rates & Dates for Nanzhila Safaris

Please use the form below or send an email to:
*Please note that there is no campsite facility at Nanzhila.

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Nanzhila Safaris is a part of the Everwild portfolio. To find out more about Everwild, click here.


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Steve & Cindy Smith :+260 963 006 202

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